Thursday, June 12, 2008

Fake Blood

originally posted by Craig on May 25, 2007

Well, we tested out the fake blood splatter effect tonight. Sadly, it looks horrible. Yeah, it would work for a cheap gunshot wound, but not for the splatter effect I need. Looks like I’ll be doing more green screen work as I try to composite the blood into the scene. I need Tom Savini!

The fake blood we used looks very realistic though. It’s nothing more than a cup of water, one TBS of flour (boiled for 15 minutes), and Black Cherry Kool-aid mix. It smells yummy and looks great on video. Yeah, my alien is going to have red blood. It just looks cooler than some funky color. I could do the old florescent blood trick a la Predator, but that’s been done before.

Tomorrow night is the big shoot! Hope everything goes well. I’m getting nervous…

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