Wednesday, June 11, 2008

the birth of Cinegore Pictures

Welcome to the first post at the Cinegore Pictures blog! I'm Val, your ghost without the most, and will likely be the main blogger for the site. Cinegore Pictures is the child of the "Demented Duo" (Craig Morris and Valarie O. Morris). After a year of writing and filming shorts, we have finally decided on a name for our production company. Cinegore Pictures represents several things. First and foremost, it represents our desire and appreciation for cinematic experiences, hence the use of part of the word "cinema". We both agree that even at a low budget level, movies can still be cinematic. Secondly, we are mainly interested in the horror genre, a genre we both grew up on, which is why the word "gore" is part of the name. Lastly, the word "cinegore". Its sound signifies our love of movie monsters. And monsters of all types will be in healthy supply in our catalog.

As independent filmmakers, it is our vision to bring horror entertainment with the scope of a cinematic experience, strong characters, and fun gore to the world of independent cinema. We got our start in 2007 with our first short, Legion. We are currently in production for Degree of Blood, another short that is the first to bare the Cinegore name. Craig and I both write, direct, and produce our own movies. We also handle all editing and scoring in house. We have been blessed with a close group of friends and family who also help with production (audio, lighting, etc.) as well as acting.

While we are currently focusing on shorts, features is something that we both want to move into eventually. We're having a great experience and look forward to making many more fun movies.

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